Implant Treatment

Basal implants

Basal implants

Basal implants in dentistry have emerged as a revolutionary solution for patients with insufficient bone in their jaw. This innovative technique allows individuals who were previously deemed unsuitable for traditional implants to regain their dental functionality and aesthetics.

Basal implants:

Basal implants, also known as cortical load-bearing implants, are a type of dental implant that are used in certain cases where traditional implants cannot be placed due to inadequate bone volume or quality.

How basal implant is different from conventional once?

  • Unlike conventional implants, which rely on anchorage in the maxillary or mandibular bone, basal implants utilize the cortical bone in the basal areas of the jaw to achieve stability.
  • This allows for immediate loading, meaning that prosthetic teeth can be attached soon after the implant placement, resulting in an expedited treatment timeline.
  • Furthermore, basal implants are typically shorter and wider than traditional implants, increasing their surface area of contact and enhancing stability.
  • These implants are usually placed at a more depth-oriented level, bypassing the need for extensive bone grafting procedures, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Are you the right candidate for the basal implant?

When considering your suitability as a candidate for basal implants in dentistry, several factors need to be taken into account:

  • Basal implants require a healthy gum tissue and a sufficient amount of bone structure to ensure successful integration.
  • Additionally, basal implants are often suitable for patients who have experienced bone loss in their jaw due to previous tooth loss or periodontal disease.
  • it issuitable option for individuals with severe bone loss, compromised ridge anatomy, or medically compromised conditions that may impact the healing process.
  • if you have a healthy oral cavity, sufficient bone structure, and are committed to maintaining good oral hygiene, you may be a suitable candidate for basal implants in dentistry.

Advantages of basal implants

  • One of the key advantages of basal implants is their ability to provide stability even in cases where there is insufficient bone volume in the upper jaw or when traditional implant methods are not feasible.
  • it provides excellent support for the implant, ensuring long-term stability and successful osseointegration.
  • Another advantage of basal implants is the reduced treatment time compared to traditional implant methods. This is possible because basal implants can be immediately loaded, meaning that the prosthetic teeth can be attached soon after the implant placement.
  • Additionally, basal implants can often be placed with a minimally invasive surgical technique, resulting in less post-operative discomfort and a quicker recovery period.
  • The minimally invasive approach also reduces the risk of complications and allows for a smoother healing process.


There are some disadvantages associated with basal implants:

  • One of the main disadvantages is the limited availability of specialized professionals trained in performing basal implant surgeries.
  • basal implants may not be suitable for all patients, particularly those with certain medical conditions or anatomical limitations.


The procedure of basal implants involves a comprehensive and meticulous approach to dental restoration. This procedure is conducted by experienced oral surgeons who specialize in implantology.

Oral examination:The first step in the procedure is a thorough examination and assessment of the patient’s dental condition. This involves evaluating the quality and density of the jawbone. X-rays and scans may be taken to obtain a clearer picture of the jawbone structure.

Treatment plan: Once the suitability for basal implants is determined, the next step is to develop a customized treatment plan. This includes deciding the number of implants required and the optimal placement positions based on the patient’s specific needs. The treatment plan takes into consideration factors such as bone quality, aesthetic requirements, and functional demands.

Pre-operative procedures:  Prior to the implant surgery, the patient may undergo various preparatory procedures, such as the extraction of remaining teeth or bone grafting if necessary.

Implant surgery:The actual implant surgery is performed under local anaesthesia or conscious sedation, ensuring a comfortable and pain-free experience for the patient. The oral surgeon makes small incisions in the gum tissue to expose the underlying jawbone. Then, they carefully place the titanium basal implants into the denser areas of the bone. After the implants are inserted, the gum tissue is sutured back into place, allowing for proper healing and integration of the implants with the jawbone.

Prosthesis: Once the healing period is complete, the customized prosthetic teeth or dental bridges are attached to the implants.

Follow up:Regular follow-up appointments with the oral surgeon are necessary to ensure the success of the basal implant procedure. These visits allow for the monitoring of healing progress and the adjustment of the prosthetic teeth, if needed.

Post operative care:

Post-operative care of basal implants is crucial for ensuring successful healing and optimizing the long-term outcome of the implant surgery. One of the primary aspects of post-operative care is to adhere to the prescribed medication regimen provided by the oral surgeon. This may involve taking antibiotics to prevent any potential infections and pain medications to manage any discomfort or pain.Patients are advised to gently brush their teeth using a soft-bristle toothbrush and a mild, non-alcoholic antimicrobial mouthwash. It is important to avoid any strenuous activities or behaviours that could put pressure or strain on the implant site. This includes refraining from smoking, as tobacco use can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. patients should avoid consuming hard foods or objects that may cause injury to the implant area. Regular check-ups with the oral surgeon are essential for monitoring the progress of healing and ensuring the implant is integrating well with the jawbone.

Why SKM dental clinic is best for dental implants?

SKM Dental Clinic is widely regarded as one of thebest options for dental implants due to its
exceptional qualities and expertise in the field.Firstly, the clinic boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced dentists who are well-versed in allaspects of dental implantprocedures. These professionals are dedicated to providing top-notchcare and consistently stay updated with the latestadvancements in dental implant technology. Moreover, SKM Dental Clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge equipment that ensure precise and efficient implantprocedures. This high-tech infrastructure allows for accurate diagnosis, thorough treatment planningand successful implant placement, leading tooptimal results and patient satisfaction.Another significant factor that sets SKM DentalClinic apart is its commitment to patient comfortand safety. The clinic prioritizes personalized careand ensures that each patient receivesindividualized attention throughout the implantprocess. The dental team carefully explains thetreatment options, addresses any concerns, andensures that patients feel relaxed and well-informed.In addition to their expertise and advancedfacilities, SKM Dental Clinic maintains a rigoroussterilization and hygiene protocol. This strictadherence to cleanliness and infection controlmeasures ensures the safety and well-being ofevery patient. The clinic also follows ethical practices and transparent pricing policies,establishing trust and credibility among its clientele.Furthermore, SKM Dental Clinic has garnered astellar reputation for its impressive success rateand long-term durability of dental implants

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