Implant Treatment



An overdenture is a dental prosthesis that is supported by dental implants. Overdentures are commonly used in dental clinics as a treatment option for patients who have lost most or all of their natural teeth.

Overdentures, also known as implant-supported dentures.An overdenture is a removable dental prosthesis that is typically recommended for patients who have lost a significant number of teeth. It is designed to fit over the remaining natural teeth or dental implants, providing support and stability. Overdentures are often utilized when the residual teeth are healthy enough to serve as anchors or when implants are present in the jawbone. By utilizing the remaining teeth or implants as support, the overdenture offers increased retention and stability compared to conventional dentures.

Overdentures are a common and effective treatment option offered at the SKM Dental Clinic in Port Blair. At SKM Dental Clinic, our team of highly skilled and experienced dental professionals utilizes state-of-the-art technology and follows strict adherence to international guidelines to ensure the best possible outcome for patients undergoing overdenture treatment. Our dental professionals at SKM Dental Clinic meticulously fine-tune the overdenture to ensure optimal comfort and functionality. At SKM Dental Clinic in Port Blair, our commitment to patient satisfaction extends beyond the completion of the overdenture treatment. We prioritize patient education and provide detailed oral hygiene instructions to ensure the longevity and maintenance of the overdenture. Regular dental check-ups are strongly recommended to monitor the condition of both the overdenture and the supporting structures.

Are you the right candidate for overdenture:

These devices are typically recommended for patients with certain indications:

  • When there is inadequate bone support.
  • In cases where patients have experienced extensive tooth loss or have worn conventional dentures for a significant period, the underlying bone may have resorbed, leading to a reduced ridge height.
  • the desire for increased stability and retention.
  • Patients who experience recurring denture-related sores or discomfort like irritation or ulcer may also benefit from overdentures.
  • If you have healthy tooth and supporting structure.

Benefits of overdenture:

Stability and retention: One of the main advantages of overdentures is improved stability and retention.

Improve bone health:Another advantage is the preservation of bone structure. When a tooth is lost, the underlying bone begins to resorb, leading to bone loss over time. By using implants to support overdentures, stimulation is provided to the jawbone, preventing or significantly reducing bone resorption.

Speech: overdentures offer improved chewing efficiency compared to complete dentures. No restriction on dietary intake:The increased stability and support from implants or natural teeth enable patients to enjoy a broader range of foods, enhancing their overall nutritional intake.

Aesthetics:it provides proper facial structure and looks along with general health and well-being.

Maintenance: it is easy to maintain and can be clean as the normal teeth.


Despite these advantages, there are some disadvantages associated with overdentures. Firstly, the treatment cost can be higher compared to conventional complete dentures due to the need for implants or additional procedures. This time-consuming treatment process may be viewed as a drawback by some patients seeking more immediate solutions.


In a dental clinic, the process of obtaining an overdenture typically involves several steps.

  • Firstly, a thorough evaluation of the patient’s oral health is conducted to determine their suitability for implant-supported dentures. This evaluation may include radiographic examinations and impressions of the patient’s mouth.
  • Once the patient is deemed eligible for the procedure, dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. These implants serve as stable anchors for the overdenture, providing a secure foundation.
  • After the implants have integrated with the jawbone, a second phase begins. During this phase, the dental clinic will create a custom-made overdenture that fits perfectly with the patient’s oral anatomy. The denture is carefully crafted to ensure optimal comfort and aesthetics.
  • Once complete, the overdenture is attached to the implants using either a bar or ball attachments, which help hold the denture securely in place. One of the main advantages of overdentures in a dental clinic setting is the enhanced stability they offer.

How to care for overdenture?

When it comes to caring for an overdenture, there are a few key steps and considerations to keep in mind. By following these practices, you can ensure the longevity and optimal functioning of your denture, as well as maintaining good oral health.

First and foremost, it is crucial to clean your overdenture on a regular basis. This involves removing it from your mouth and thoroughly cleaning it using a denture brush and non-abrasive denture cleaner. It is essential to avoid using regular toothpaste, as it can be too abrasive and cause damage to the denture material.

Regularly rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash can also help maintain a healthy oral environment.

it is important to handle your overdenture with care. When removing or inserting the denture.

Avoid using excessive force or biting down on hard or sharp objects, as this can lead to fractures or other damage to the denture.

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for the proper care of your overdenture.

Lastly, make sure to store your overdenture properly when not in use. Keeping it in a denture container filled with water or a denture-soaking solution can prevent it from drying out and warping.

Why SKM dental clinic is best for overdenture?

SKM Dental Clinic is widely regarded as one of thebest options in Port Blair for dental implants due to itsexceptional qualities and expertise in the field.Firstly, theclinic boasts a team of highly skilled andexperienced dentists who are well-versed in allaspects of dental implant procedures. Theseprofessionals are dedicated to providing top-notchcare and consistently stay updated with the latestadvancements in dental implant technology. Moreover, SKM Dental Clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge equipmentthat ensure precise and efficient implantprocedures. This high-tech infrastructure allows foraccurate diagnosis, thorough treatment planningand successful implant placement, leading tooptimal results and patient satisfaction.Another significant factor that sets SKM DentalClinic apart is its commitment to patient comfortand safety. The clinic prioritizes personalized careand ensures that each patient receivesindividualized attention throughout the implantprocess. The dental team carefully explains thetreatment options, addresses any concerns, andensures that patients feel relaxed and well-informed.In addition to their expertise and advancedfacilities, SKM Dental Clinic maintains a rigoroussterilization and hygiene protocol. This strictadherence to cleanliness and infection controlmeasures ensures the safety and well-being ofevery patient. The clinic also follows ethicalpractices and transparent pricing policies,establishing trust and credibility among itsclientele.Furthermore, SKM Dental Clinic has garnered astellar reputation for its impressive success rate and long-term durability of dental implants.

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