Implant Treatment

Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic Implants

In the field of dentistry, one notable advancement that has revolutionized the way we address tooth loss is the zygomatic implant. This innovative dental implant technique offers a reliable solution for patients who have insufficient bone density in their upper jaws, making traditional dental implants challenging or even impossible.

How it is different from the traditional implants?

The zygomatic implant differs from conventional dental implants as it is anchored not in the jawbone but in the zygomatic bone, also called the cheekbone. This alternative placement provides a stable foundation for the implant, eliminating the need for bone grafting procedures that are commonly required in cases of severe bone loss.

Unlike traditional implants that require a considerable healing period before attaching the final prosthetic, zygomatic implants allow for the immediate placement of temporary teeth. This characteristic significantly improves the patients’ quality of life, providing them with a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile from the moment the procedure is completed.

With their immediate functionality and high success rates, they have become a valuable tool for restoring oral health and enhancing the lives of patients who were previously deemed as unsuitable candidates for traditional dental implant procedures.

Are you the right candidate for pterygoid implants:

One of the primary indications for zygomatic implants is severe atrophy of the maxillary bone, often caused by long-term tooth loss or conditions such as periodontal disease. This leads to inadequate bone volume, making it challenging to secure traditional dental implants in a stable manner. In such cases, zygomatic implants offer a reliable solution, bypassing the compromised bone and providing a stable foundation for dental restorations. Patients who have previously undergone unsuccessful implant procedures and lack the necessary bone to support conventional implants can also benefit from zygomatic implants. By utilizing the zygomatic bone, the implants avoid the need for extensive bone grafting procedures, which may have been unsuccessful in the past. This alternative approach improves the chances of successful implant rehabilitation for these individuals. Additionally, zygomatic implants can be an effective treatment choice when there is a need for immediate rehabilitation. The procedure allows for the placement and immediate loading of provisional or fixed dental restorations on the same day. This is particularly advantageous for patients who seek a quick functional and aesthetic improvement in their oral health, as they can regain the ability to chew and speak with confidence almost immediately. In conclusion, zygomatic implants serve as a valuable indication in dentistry for individuals with severe maxillary bone loss or failed previous implant procedures. This innovative treatment option not only eliminates the need for extensive bone grafting but also provides immediate stability and functionality. By considering zygomatic implants, dental professionals can offer their patients a reliable solution for restoring oral health and improving their overall quality of life.


The procedure for placing a zygomatic implant typically involves a thorough assessment of the patient’s oral health and bone quality. Through advanced imaging technologies, such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), dentists can accurately determine the ideal positioning and length of the implant. By utilizing this comprehensive approach, the dental team can ensure optimal outcomes in terms of both function and aesthetics. One of the greatest advantages of zygomatic implants is their ability to provide immediate dental restorations.

Furthermore, zygomatic implants are not only a viable option for patients with severe bone loss but also for those with a history of failed conventional implants. By bypassing the compromised jawbone, zygomatic implants offer a second chance for individuals who have experienced previous implant failures, giving them the opportunity to regain both their oral function and confidence.

In terms of long-term success, studies have shown a high survival rate for zygomatic implants, with ten-year success rates exceeding 95%. This, coupled with the ability to avoid additional bone grafting surgeries, makes zygomatic implants an attractive treatment option for patients seeking a permanent and reliable solution for their missing teeth. In conclusion, zygomatic implants have emerged as a breakthrough innovation in the field of dentistry, addressing the challenges associated with bone loss in the upper jaw.

Advantage of zygomatic implants:

The zygomatic implant has emerged as a valuable solution in the field of dentistry, offering numerous advantages for individuals who suffer from severe bone loss or a lack of adequate jaw bone structure:

  • One of the significant advantages of zygomatic implants is their ability to bypass the need for bone grafting in patients with substantial bone loss.
  • eliminates the need for extensive bone augmentation surgeries, reducing both the duration of treatment and associated costs.
  • Moreover, zygomatic implants offer a faster treatment timeline compared to traditional approaches. It allowing patients to regain their dental functionality and aesthetics at a quicker pace.
  • Another advantage of zygomatic implants is their high success rate and long-term stability. The zygomatic bone provides a strong and durable foundation for the implants, ensuring excellent stability over time.
  • This enhanced stability allows patients to chew and bite with confidence, relishing in the enjoyment of their favourite foods.
  • Furthermore, zygomatic implants have shown promising results in restoring facial aesthetics, offering a natural-looking smile that enhances the overall appearance and boosts self-confidence.

Disadvantages of zygomatic implants:

  • One of the disadvantages of zygomatic implants in dentistry is the complexity of the procedure.
  • Due to the location and nature of the zygomatic bone, the surgical placement of zygomatic implants requires significant expertise and experience.
  • The procedure can be intricate and time-consuming, often involving multiple surgical stages.
  • This complexity increases the risk of complications and requires a highly skilled dental professional to ensure successful outcomes.
  • the placement of zygomatic implants often necessitates invasive surgery, which can lead to longer recovery times and increased discomfort for patients.
  • The presence of zygomatic implants in the cheekbone area can also cause temporary swelling, bruising, and potential numbness in the surrounding tissues.
  • Furthermore, zygomatic implants may not be suitable for every patient. The presence of significant bone loss or deformities in the zygomatic bone may pose challenges in terms of proper implant placement and long-term stability.
  • Moreover, the cost associated with zygomatic implant procedures can be higher compared to traditional dental implant options, making it less accessible for some individuals.

Why SKM dental clinic is best for dental implants?

SKM Dental Clinic is widely regarded as one of thebest options in Port Blair for dental implants due to itsexceptional qualities and expertise in the field.Firstly, the clinic boasts a team of highly skilled andexperienced dentists who are well-versed in allaspects of dental implant procedures. Theseprofessionals are dedicated to providing top-notchcare and consistently stay updated with the latestadvancements in dental implant technology. Moreover, SKM Dental Clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge equipmentthat ensure precise and efficient implantprocedures. This high-tech infrastructure allows foraccurate diagnosis, thorough treatment planningand successful implant placement, leading tooptimal results and patient satisfaction.Another significant factor that sets SKM DentalClinic apart is its commitment to patient comfortand safety. The clinic prioritizes personalized careand ensures that each patient receivesindividualized attention throughout the implantprocess. The dental team carefully explains thetreatment options, addresses any concerns, andensures that patients feel relaxed and well-informed.In addition to their expertise and advancedfacilities, SKM Dental Clinic maintains a rigoroussterilization and hygiene protocol. This strictadherence to cleanliness and infection controlmeasures ensures the safety and well-being ofevery patient. The clinic also follows ethicalpractices and transparent pricing policies,establishing trust and credibility among itsclientele.Furthermore, SKM Dental Clinic has garnered astellar reputation for its impressive success rate and long-term durability of dental implants.

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